Bruce defends Dugarry actions

Last updated : 09 October 2003 By Brian Cartlidge

Dugarry was replaced by Darren Carter 25 minutes from the end of the game against Manchester United with Blues trailing 2-0 and immediately made his way down the tunnel, obviously upset at the substitution.

"Christophe came off and I didn't expect him to be pleased. You don't expect any player to be," Bruce told the Birmingham Evening Mail.

"Did people think he was going to stop and take a bow?

"He didn't show any dissent, he just went straight down the tunnel and I was okay with that.

"What people don't know is that when we came in at the end of the game he was waiting at the dressing room door and patted everyone on the shoulder and said 'well done' and tried to keep the spirits up."

"It was no lack of respect on his part. I've not got a problem with Christophe and neither have the rest of the lads."