Last updated : 02 August 2003 By Brian Cartlidge

He's been a season ticket holder at St. Andrew's for many years and hasn't missed many away games in that time either, and of course his whole trip to Asia was centered around our involvement in the FA Premier League Asia Cup Tournament in Kuala Lumpur.

Tony Gough (on the right) is seen here presenting Peter Hopkins of Football Crazy in Phuket, Thailand with a signed Blues shirt.

Says Tony, "Football Crazy is the leading sports bar in Thailand and Peter promised me if I could get a signed team shirt he would frame it and give it a prominent position in the bar.

Football Crazy specialises in British football and has many Premiership teams memorabilia but not from Blues (until now!)".

Tony also took other Blues shirts. "I followed Radio Five Live's example of football shirt donations and asked my mates for old Blues shirts - I managed to collect 36!

"When I arrived in Phuket I went to the local football park where there was an U15's game. At half time I asked the manager of one of the teams if he wanted a set of Blues shirts, he jumped at the chance. His team changed into the Blues tops there and then. This caused somewhat of a stir with the opposing side and their manager asked if he could have a shirt. I said 'of course your team can also have a full set'. The kids were ecstatic and you guessed it - that team also changed into the Blues top.

"So the second half was played by both teams wearing their new Blues shirts, it was so funny, but great to see. They certainly know who Birmingham City are now. I felt like a missionary spreading the Blues gospel.

A super way to start our Asia Tour, oh by the way, the match finished 5-3 - the Blues won!"

Tony at the Bukit Jalil Complex (on the left of the three) holding up the 'Keep Right On' flag